Business Plan & Implementation Strategy
As menstruating persons commonly have around 450 periods in their lifetime, the topic is an ever-present one in their lives. Aside from still being confronted with stigmatization and certain taboos, the range of sustainable menstrual products is limited and mostly not easily accessible.
Beer, Nina & Brüngger, Nuria, 2021
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Thomas Beer Treuhand GmbH
Betreuende Dozierende Schulte, Volker
Views: 45
The Swiss start-up offers a platform for all things period-related, developed by five passionate team members at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). It includes selling sustainable menstrual hygiene products as a subscription in Switzerland and providing an inclusive and positive space to educate, learn, share experiences, support each other, and build a community.
This bachelor thesis aims to analyze the Swiss start-up’s current situation and develop a comprehensive business plan and implementation strategy. A thorough literature review on sustainable and social business models in addition to menstruation and menstrual hygiene products provides the theoretical framework. Whilst the Magic Triangle (Gassmann, Frankenberger, & Csik, 2014) and the Lean Canvas (Maurya, 2012) help to elaborate the business idea, the 7 Key Model (Meyer & Tavic, 2015) serves as the structural guideline for the business plan.
The findings provide the strategic framework to optimally launch and enter the start-up company into the Swiss market. The sustainable products sold as a subscription together with the social impact and intent for community-building equips the Swiss start-up with a unique combination. By following the recommended steps in the action plan as well as the coaching sessions, the Swiss start-up can gradually build up a strong foundation for its brand.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Business Plan, Implementation Strategy, Swiss Start-up, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Health, Social
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich