Chances and risks associated with renaming the Freethinkers Association of Switzerland - An analysis of a potential name change

The Freethinkers Association of Switzerland (FAS) represents the interests of Switzerland’s non-denominational population.

Demiriz, Öykü Hasret & Rufer, Camille Estelle, 2021

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Freidenker-Vereinigung der Schweiz
Betreuende Dozierende Bendel, Oliver
Keywords Renaming, Rebranding, NGO, Freidenker, Freethinkers
Views: 83
The FAS has noticed that the term “Freethinker” (particularly the German translation "Freidenker") is becoming less understood by the public in recent years. Furthermore, there is confusion with other groups such as Free-masons, Free Churches, and, more recently, other groups with different ideologies than Freethinkers. All of these are reasons why the FAS has considered changing its name.
Two research questions were formulated. Firstly: “How does the name 'Freethinkers Association of Switzerland' correspond to the association’s activities and future? Secondly: “What are the chances and risks associated with renaming the FAS?”. To answer these, the first was to conduct secondary research by means of a literature review. After that, an own framework was created, following Balmer’s AC4ID Test. For the primary research, the authors conducted an internal and an external survey. The collected data on the different options for new names were presented using a SWOT analysis.
The principal findings of the study are that the name fits the FAS’s activities, but it does not fit the FAS’s vision. This was determined using Balmer’s simplified AC4ID Test. Various chances and risks were identified based on the literature review and data collected. A better understanding of the name by external people would reduce the risk of confusion with other organisations. Also, the FAS could reposition itself and may increase media attention. The risks are resignations from dissatisfied members and separations from sections that do not like the name. The key recommendation for the FAS is to change the current name because the analysed data revealed that one of the five proposed names is a better fit for the association’s activities and future than the current name. This study can be used as a foundation for a decision on the renaming of the FAS.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Freidenker-Vereinigung der Schweiz, Bern
Autorinnen und Autoren
Demiriz, Öykü Hasret & Rufer, Camille Estelle
Betreuende Dozierende
Bendel, Oliver
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Renaming, Rebranding, NGO, Freidenker, Freethinkers