The use of smart climate data for a sustainable urban development

The goal of this Bachelor thesis was to solve an inquiry from a company which approached the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW. The team out of two students was supported by a supervisor from FHNW and successfully solved the case brought up by the client Smart Regio Basel.

Brauchli, Robin & Hunziker, Kevin, 2021

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Smart Regio Basel
Betreuende Dozierende Peter, Marc K.
Keywords Smart Climate Data
Views: 42 - Downloads: 4
Smart Regio Basel is committed to the intelligent, sustainable development of the urban region of Basel. They network players, partners, and members in the Basel region by acting as an advising intermediary to connect knowledge. In their main pilot project “Smart Climate – Plug & Sense”, they collect smart climate data which form the basis of an urban climate forecast and important gaining of information. The thesis should clarify how the project can be pursued after the pilot phase by identifying use-cases and elaborating an operational model.
To discover the use of smart climate data for a sustainable urban development, the first step was to understand the work of Smart Regio Basel. As a result, a best practice operational model was created based on the ideal work process. This model was then challenged by obtaining multiple feedbacks from potential interested stakeholders which have either orientation and motivation for profit, public value or gaining knowledge. These responses with the use-cases were then used to validate the best practice model, which now shows a realistic approach on how the pilot project can be continued.
As a result, it became clear that parties from all three different sectors were interested in the work of Smart Regio Basel, as they mentioned how they could use smart climate data in their daily business, and which value such data has. Hence, a future of the “Smart Climate – Plug & Sense” should be achievable, as there are also similar projects running in Switzerland. Therefore, the use of smart climate data for a sustainable urban development is much needed now and in the future. The gathered use-cases and the elaborated validated best practice model is valuable for our client Smart Regio Basel and their planning for the future after the pilot phase of the project. The results from this Bachelor thesis provide the demanded conclusions and benefits from FHNW and its students, and it was made possible by a great collaboration between all the parties involved.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Smart Regio Basel , Basel
Autorinnen und Autoren
Brauchli, Robin & Hunziker, Kevin
Betreuende Dozierende
Peter, Marc K.
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Smart Climate Data