Leading at Distance - A Catalogue of Measures for Leaders

Leading at Distance - A Catalogue of Measures for Leaders Effectively Leading Virtual Teams – What Measures could be taken to improve Leadership for Teams in Home Office at Streck Transport AG?

Bucher, Jara & Kamm, Sarah Vanessa, 2021

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Streck Transport AG
Betreuende Dozierende Amstutz, Nathalie
Keywords Virtual leadership, home office, communication, trust, empowerment, team, tools, changes
Views: 15
Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus and the following COVID-19 pandemic from March 2019, many companies all over the world had to send their workforce into home office with immediate effect. This was also the case for the company Streck Transport AG in Möhlin. They faced the main issue of not being used to have such a large number of employees in home offices. Because of this, the supporting framework and infrastructure had not been appropriately established yet.
The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to explore and define possible measures to implement sustainable home office practices within the company and to provide leaders with possible instruments to effectively lead their teams virtually. For this, it was needed to become familiar with the relevant literature as well as find out about the current situation within Streck Transport AG at the managerial level. Afterwards, ten interviews in different departments with the managerial level were conducted.
The employee interviews outcome was instrumental for developing a catalogue of measures, including the integration of home office practices into processes and structures, as well as a clear and structured internal communication. Change in leadership style, boundary management, and coworker support mechanisms will be important success factors. Finally, considerable importance should be given to team evaluations as well as company-wide assessments of home office practices. The interview results showed that the leaders were convinced about functioning home office and virtual leadership. Furthermore, they saw the potential for the future. However, the wish for better integration into the given company structures was voiced. The catalogue of measures for virtual leadership will provide supportive tools for these desired process improvements. Furthermore, a workshop structure was created to provide an additional suggestion on how to proceed.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Streck Transport AG, Möhlin
Autorinnen und Autoren
Bucher, Jara & Kamm, Sarah Vanessa
Betreuende Dozierende
Amstutz, Nathalie
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Virtual leadership, home office, communication, trust, empowerment, team, tools, changes