«How to exist in a digital learning ecosystem?» - An ecosystemic analysis of an AI-based digital learning app

Smartest Learning AG offers an AI-based learning app which automatically creates quizzes based on the pre-scanned learning material. It helps students to prepare for exams anytime and anywhere. If successfully marketed, this value proposition could be revolutionary for the Swiss education landscape.

Sommer, Oliver Daniel & Cvijetinovic, Sanja, 2021

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Smartest Learning AG
Betreuende Dozierende Eisenbart, Barbara
Keywords Digital learning ecosystem, digital, learning, ecosystem
Views: 44
In order to successfully commercialize an AI-based learning app, it is important for the client to have a thorough knowledge of its ecosystem environment, which consists of living and non-living components. Without such an overview, many new markets could be missed, potential partnerships overlooked, and successful commercialization hindered. The present bachelor thesis aims to map out the digital learning ecosystem of the client and to show the relations of the individual actors as no specific models for an AI-based learning app could be identified so far.
16 qualitative interviews with various representatives from the Swiss education landscape. The interview data was analyzed using Mayring’s qualitative content analysis, for which the interviews were divided into three topics: digital learning, digital learning apps, and digital learning ecosystem. Additionally, a prior literature research on the topic of digital learning ecosystems was elaborated. Finally, primary and secondary data were merged to illustrate the client’s own ecosystem model along with ten important management principles that help the company to create value in its ecosystem.
Derived from the results of the literature research and the interviews conducted, a customized ecosystem model was created that provides the client with an optimal overview of possible areas of synergy and thus concrete cooperation potential in the Swiss educational landscape or indications of why cooperation might be difficult. From the answers of the interview partners, clear future indications could be elicited that are necessary to commercialize and further develop a learning app. Moreover, information about the different perspectives of the various actors in the complex Swiss education system are provided. Likewise, ten key ecosystemic management principles were applied to the client's specific scenario. The conducted ecosystemic analysis is intended to help the company adapt its current value proposition in a future-oriented manner from a strategic business perspective. Further research could elaborate how a provider of an AI-based app can foster cooperation among the individual ecosystem actors in the complex and federalist Swiss education system.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Smartest Learning AG, Zürich
Autorinnen und Autoren
Sommer, Oliver Daniel & Cvijetinovic, Sanja
Betreuende Dozierende
Eisenbart, Barbara
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Digital learning ecosystem, digital, learning, ecosystem