SAC Aarau 2030

In Switzerland, clubs today face a diminishing willingness to volunteer and are challenged by increasingly strict requirements concerning nature conservancy. Clubs in close touch with nature, such as the SAC Aarau, are pressured to rethink their purpose, vision, and strategy.

Straubinger, Nathalie & Meyer, Charline, 2021

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende SAC Aarau
Betreuende Dozierende Casanova, Marco
Keywords Strategy Marketing Club Switzerland SAC Aarau
Views: 35 - Downloads: 2
To know in what direction the club should develop, and to decide on an appropriate strategy, it is crucial to fully understand the needs and pain points of the stakeholders. This bachelor thesis aims at developing appropriate measures implementable by the SAC Aarau and corresponding potential future scenarios these measures could trigger.
The measures and future scenarios are developed by the means of the Integrated Brand and Purpose - Guided Stakeholder management model by Casanova and a SWOT analysis. The data for the analysis are sourced differently. At first, two surveys were conducted. One survey circulated among the members of the SAC Aarau. The second survey was performed outside the club and aimed at figuring out how the club is perceived outside club life. Besides the surveys, two focus groups were organized and conducted.
The first scenario shows the SAC Aarau as a club that pursues a strategy focusing on community and an above-average welcoming culture. Furthermore, it represents the club as a pioneer in fellowship and community. Everyone joining the SAC Aarau would feel in good hands, quickly make new friends, and dedicate their free time to the club with pleasure. The second future scenario focuses on strategic development specializing in the youth. It describes the SAC Aarau as a club having a strong junior section and supporting the youth. Furthermore, the SAC Aarau, in this scenario, is well known as a club with an active club life for the younger generations. The third future scenario reflects the SAC Aarau as a smaller club, with active club life and a friendly, open community besides their professional outdoor sports school. The SAC Aarau as an outdoor sports school does offer different activities and training for all interested people independently of their level. The people book the activity they are interested in whenever they want without having any other obligation.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
SAC Aarau, Aarau
Autorinnen und Autoren
Straubinger, Nathalie & Meyer, Charline
Betreuende Dozierende
Casanova, Marco
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Strategy Marketing Club Switzerland SAC Aarau