Marketing Concept for a Bilingual Preschool

What makes a preschool successful in terms of customer acquisition? What sets a preschool apart from its competitors? How can a preschool best communicate its offer? These questions and more were answered in this project for the FitzGerald Bilingual Day School in Schönenwerd.

Sandi Simon, Bruna & FitzGerald, Linda, 2020

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende FitzGerald Bilingual Day School
Betreuende Dozierende Miller, Barbara Therese
Keywords marketing concept, bilingual childcare, nursery, preschool
Views: 58
The FitzGerald Bilingual Day School opened in the year 2000, and for 20 years relied primarily on word of mouth to find new customers. However, with the desire to acquire more customers came the need for a more systematic approach, as the company's management believed that a lack of brand awareness was the primary reason for not attracting more customers. This need for a more systematic approach could be answered with a comprehensive marketing concept for the FitzGerald Bilingual Day School.
This project was divided into four sections. In the first, a literature review was conducted to lay the theoretical foundation for the project. The second section was comprised of a comprehensive analysis of the company, customers, competitors, and industry. This was followed by three different types of interviews, looking into best practice examples, as well as investigating two collaboration options for the marketing efforts of the FitzGerald School. In the final section of the paper, all the data gathered was utilized to develop a systematic marketing concept.
The FitzGerald Bilingual Day School finds itself in an attractive market, as in general in the future there will be a higher demand for preschool spaces than is currently available in Switzerland. It was found that the most important strengths of the FitzGerald School are the business’s flexibility in terms of missed days, which no other competitor offers to the same extent, along with the preschool being bilingual, as there is only one other bilingual preschool in the area. A marketing strategy was developed focussing on local Swiss families with working parents along with expat families. The most adjustments were seen in the promotional aspect of the marketing mix, in particular, the development of the website in terms of information to be included and style, and the creation of a social media channel. While word of mouth will likely continue to be an important way of making new customers aware of the business, it was found that collaborating with local businesses has a lot of untapped potential. By using these recommended changes, the FitzGerald School has the possibility to increase brand awareness and continue its twenty years of success for many more years.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
FitzGerald Bilingual Day School, Schönenwerd
Autorinnen und Autoren
Sandi Simon, Bruna & FitzGerald, Linda
Betreuende Dozierende
Miller, Barbara Therese
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
marketing concept, bilingual childcare, nursery, preschool