An Evaluation of Content Management Systems and Creation of a Website Prototype for The Corporate Communication Management Master’s Degree Program Alumni Union
This bachelor thesis describes the process of assessing the various content management systems and which suits the association best. In addition to the evaluation, a prototype of a possible website will be created, which the organization can build up and adapt to future needs.
Staudenmann, Céline, 2020
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende CCM Alumni Verein
Betreuende Dozierende Bendel, Oliver
Keywords Content Management System, Web CMS, Open Source Software, Wordpress, Blog, Corporate Communication Management Alumni Union
Views: 22 - Downloads: 3
The corporate communication management Alumni Union of the master’s degree program at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland was founded on the 29th of May of 2009. The current members of the board want to strengthen the relationship with its members and built a community where opinions can be shared and discussed. Consequently, the board decided that they want a website for their alumni union.
The first step is to formulate the clients requirements for the website and a description of the current situation. The main feature of the website is a blog function. After choosing the fitting content management system various software will be evaluated based on the clients needs and resources. After the clients give their consent for the chosen software the last step will be initiated, the development of the website.
The end result is a website for the CCM Alumni Union and an evaluation of different content management systems. Furthermore, tips on blogging and personal recommendations are presented to the clients to help them build a strategy for the effective use of the website. It is important that the organization uses the connection with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland because that is the source for alumni members and also for possible contributions to the website. The first step, offering a platform for the alumni has been taken and after this thesis, the focus lies on building a community. Any future website development is now in the hands of the board members of the CCM Alumni Union.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich