Development Potential in the Automation of Sales Force Processes at Ch. Margot & Cie SA
In times of digital transformation, the world is crying out for change and digitisation. But where does automation make sense, and how does an organisation's culture react to such a shift?
Pfister, Xenia Selina Carmen, 2020
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Ch. Margot & Cie SA
Betreuende Dozierende Tillessen, Joachim
Keywords process optimisation, process management, strategic management, digital transformation, automation, communication
Views: 41
The contracting party, one of the leading wholesalers in Switzerland, decided at the end of 2019 that various internal processes should be revised and redefined by Q1 of the following year. COVID-19 forced the revision of the current process structure to be put on-hold which is why this thesis had the intention to revise specific operations. Particularly, in the area of customer management and customer communication, potential for development and the extent to which these processes could be automated or digitised, was identified.
To answer the research question, the structure of the organisation has been analysed. In order to obtain first-hand information and insights, a target group survey was carried out among the internal employees affected by the specified processes. In addition, expert interviews were conducted with three organisations outside the industry of the contracting organisation, specifically within the automotive sector.
The empirical analysis has identified that a significant competitive advantage of the organisation exists in a more intensive collaboration with its sister company, which is specialised on IT solutions within the logistics business. The structures and resources at the contracting party, combined with the expertise of the sister company, allow for further development of the processes. The results of the target group survey also confirmed that the associates affected expressed a need for change and that there is potential for the automation of the analysed processes, combined with more regular training of employees and initiatives to improve the cross-functional collaboration among the departments.
The technical framework is already present, yet not fully exploited and utilised. This contradicts the organisation's positioning of being an innovative player on the market. The total cost of optimising all three analysed processes is estimated at CHF 60'000. The automation would result in significant working time reduction and cost savings. In addition, performance quality could be improved, as well as as sources of errors would be eliminated.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich