Development of an online presence through a social media strategy for a start-up company in the field of personal coaching

Developing a practice-oriented communication plan with a specific focus on online marketing in order to establish a well linked online presence with a strong focus on social media.

Lüthi, Olivia, 2019

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Company in the personal coaching sector
Betreuende Dozierende Jacob, Christine
Views: 26
The personal sport coaching start-up founded in January 2019, wants to expand its business but has only limited financial resources. Therefore, the young company wishes to have an online presence to increase awareness and foster customer relationship. However, due to lack of online marketing expertise, the company has no online presence yet.
In order to develop a practice-oriented strategy, the author follows the six steps of the PR Smith’s SOSTAC model (situation analysis, objective, strategy, tactics, action and control). To help with the model’s second step (objective), the 5Ss of digital marketing model was applied to define the short-term goals. Content marketing and PESO model are used to enrich the tactics that are defined in the fourth step of the model (tactics). In the last stage (control), the author suggests suitable KPI’s to keep the company on track to achieve its target.
With the bachelor thesis, the client receives a complete communication plan with a strong focus on online marketing. This means a practice-oriented strategy on how to create a crosslinked online presence to achieve the start-up’s long-term objective (to raise awareness and to enhance customer relationship). In addition to the strategy of how to position the company in the target market, there was a strong focus on the use of social media and the newly defined other online marketing channels. Furthermore, the author suggests various ideas for content and how to use and orchestrate the communication mix. Moreover, the author proposes two monthly action plans.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Social media strategy, PR Smith's SOSTAC marketing planning model, PEST-analsyis, the PESO marketing model, content marketing, Golden Circle
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Company in the personal coaching sector, Canton of Zurich
Autorinnen und Autoren
Lüthi, Olivia
Betreuende Dozierende
Jacob, Christine
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Social media strategy, PR Smith's SOSTAC marketing planning model, PEST-analsyis, the PESO marketing model, content marketing, Golden Circle