Basics for a Swiss Technology Park in Jiaxing
The potential of a Swiss Technology Park in Jiaxing, China, was analysed by reference to primary and secondary research. The paper considered current market trends, a competitor and customer analysis, a value proposition, and recommendations of possible partners.
Krug, Sebastian & Niederberger, Pascal, 2019
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende LangSys GmbH
Betreuende Dozierende Jeive, Michael
Views: 47
JULI Automation owns in Jiaxing a production facility which is used for their own needs but also offers over 10'000 m2 additional production or office space within a currently unused building. Furthermore, the facility includes several dormitories to
accommodate possible future employees directly on-site. The LangSys GmbH is now asked to look for possible partners and companies to build up a cluster of Swiss small and medium-sized companies within the premises of this building. A Swiss engineering company, the CEKATec AG a, is already present in the facility and starts with production during this year.
To achieve the formulated objectives, the authors based this paper on secondary data, to expand the knowledge of the reader about the general situation in China, Shanghai, and Jiaxing. Furthermore, the competitor situation and the internationalisation motives and barriers of Swiss small and medium-sized companies in China are outlined in the paper. The available literature used in the paper includes diverse articles, books, magazines, journals, or websites from various online or offline sources. The following models are used to investigate the topic: PESTEL, SWOT, Porter's Five Forces, Osterwalder Canvas. In addition multiple expert intervews and a
survey with Swiss SMEs were conducted.
The results of the paper indicated that the economy in China is currently slowing down, which can be partially explained with the ongoing trade dispute with the USA. Nevertheless, the region of Shanghai and Jiaxing provide excellent business and investment opportunities for Swiss SMEs. Based on the findings, the authors conclude that a tech park in Jiaxing could benefit from its exceptional location, infrastructure, living conditions, and the vast availability of workforce. The competitor analyis included the highlighting of three different Swiss tech parks active in China and presented an overview of their offered services and facilities, including their competitive advantage. Based on these analysies and the results of our interviews and survey, a business model canvas was conducted. The model
includes the examination of possible customer segments, a value proposition, customer relationships, key partners, channels, key activities, key resources, the cost structure, and finally, the revenue stream. An outlook at the end of the paper summarises the author's primary recommendations to the Juli company which is the owner of the building in Jiaxing.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Technology Park, SME, China, Switzerland, Consulting, Competitors Analysis, Country Analysis, Survey, Interviews
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich