SEO Marketing Strategy / Campaign

The online presence of an organization's website is crucial due to the digitalizing market. A potential key is said to lie in a continuously optimised website. This Bachelor Thesis work aims to implement effective measures to improve the search result positioning of Event Token AG’s website.

Ait Chaf, Tarik & Penfold, Sam, 2020

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Event Token AG
Betreuende Dozierende Dalla Vecchia, Martina
Views: 42 - Downloads: 23
Event Token AG is a Swiss event companion company in Schlieren, which created a digitized all-in-one software solution for organising and attending events to increase revenue and adapt business models to digitalization. Due to its young nature, its website displays low rankings and generates few traffic. To attract potential business partners, Event Token wishes to appear on the first search result ranks when users search for events or services. Therefore, the company requested conducting a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategy and campaign to improve the online visibility.
In order to recommend a feasible SEO strategy / campaign, the theoretical foundation was acquired through certified SEO online courses. The basis was supported by practical experiences through interviews with SEO experts. Through the empirical findings, a SEO strategy was created with specified page-by-page recommendations to positively influence Google’s search algorithm. The metrics were then analysed through Google Search Console. Lastly, a handbook was created for Event Token defining steps for continuously optimising the website after this Bachelor Thesis work.
The process resulted in a SEO Strategy suggesting various On-Page and Off-Page improvement points. Major points included headers, content optimisation and inclusion of backlinks and social media. Since the technical settings are handled by a Vietnamese hosting company, few implications were identified. The B2B keyword research requires an extensive process to create feasible results due to the low volume of the competition in the local market. The recommendations are currently implicated through a 3rd party website host. The analysed metrics of the website's traffic indicate quick-wins after increased efforts on Event Token's social media pages. To gather more feasible results, the analysis will be further conducted on a private basis between the project team and the client. The experiences and results influenced the creation of an Event Token SEO Handbook, which consists of a guidance, recommendations as well as a health-checklist for future SEO procedures.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Search Engine Optimisation, SEO, Digital Marketing, Business-to-Business, B2B, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Technical SEO, Keyword Research, Page Positioning, Organic Traffic, Website Visibility
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Event Token AG, Schlieren, Zürich
Autorinnen und Autoren
Ait Chaf, Tarik & Penfold, Sam
Betreuende Dozierende
Dalla Vecchia, Martina
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Search Engine Optimisation, SEO, Digital Marketing, Business-to-Business, B2B, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Technical SEO, Keyword Research, Page Positioning, Organic Traffic, Website Visibility