From strategy via business model to tactic formulation - Providing Curaden AG with a tactic proposal for their strategy to enter the Thai market with their software solution

The strategic intention of Curaden AG is analysed by the application of a software business model framework with the result of a tactic proposal.

Dirr, Miro & Erdin, Deniz, 2019

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Curaden AG
Betreuende Dozierende Ulrich, Michael
Views: 41
Curaden AG is a company specialised in the dental health sector and wants to expand its IT solution for dental care practices. More accurately, Curaden AG has set the strategic intention to enter the market of Thailand with its software solution PracticeDent. PracticeDent is a comprehensive and user-friendly management system which allows practices to manage every aspect of their business. Accordingly, this thesis’ objective is to provide Curaden AG with a carefully elaborated tactic proposal for their market entry in Thailand.
In order to arrive at the concluding tactic proposal, it was decided to apply a software business model framework specifically to Curaden AG’s set strategy. The reasoning behind this approach is confirmed by Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart (2010) who demonstrate that a business model is the result of a determined strategy. With the interest of building the software business model framework out of the literature and gaining a comprehensive review of the software industry, the derivation thereof is based on four pillars. The economic properties of the software industry, the software value chain, the business model, and software business model concepts which are applied in the industry. Proceeded with an established and applied software business model framework a tactic out of the residual choices from the applied software business model framework was derived.
In pursuance of arriving at a tactic proposal with great significance and reliability, Ed Noncie, an expert in the IT and dental health sector of Thailand, was involved in the decision-making process of selecting the choice options of the software business model framework. The subsequent assessment resulted in the conclusion that Curaden AG must heavily focus on a differentiation strategy in order to make the expansion successful. Differentiation in the dental care software market in Thailand is best realised by providing a well-structured support service, a categorised offering according to the size and needs of the practices, as well as superior performance of the software available for customers in a subscription model. This thesis serves as a first examination of the situation and the proposed tactical recommendations display how an entrance into the Thai market can be successful. However, the suggested approach must be evaluated to its feasibility by Curaden AG. The main aspects of the tactic, especially the means with which differentiation can be achieved, must be further analysed in detail.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Software, Thailand, market entry, Strategy, Business model, Tactic
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Curaden AG, Kriens LU
Autorinnen und Autoren
Dirr, Miro & Erdin, Deniz
Betreuende Dozierende
Ulrich, Michael
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Software, Thailand, market entry, Strategy, Business model, Tactic