Analyze existing internal interview methods and propose possible optimizations regarding the interview process

Analyze existing internal interview methods and propose possible optimizations regarding the interview process

Mäder, Carole & Tschumi, Tanja, 2019

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Georg Fischer Machining Solutions
Betreuende Dozierende Kraft, Corin
Keywords Internal analysis, process optimization, recruiting process, interview, evaluation, HR
Views: 27
Due to various acquisitions in recent years, the company has been struggling for some time with unstructured internal processes in the HR department. In particular, conducting interviews and the subsequent evaluation of candidates was criticized not only by the HR staff themselves but also by recently recruited new employees. There is an urgent need for action with the aim of making the entire employment process more uniform across all branches. The goal is to aim at the absolute simplification and creation of guidelines on a universal scale.
In order to be able to conduct interviews that are appropriate to the situation and promote the right insights, the project team considered it as necessary to address a theoretical background of possible interview techniques. The studied theory analyzing several models was presented briefly with concrete possibilities of application. It now has to be decided, which form of interviewing the company most corresponds to internally wishes to use. Furthermore, and in accordance with an active collaboration and practical requests by the firm, an evaluation sheet, with which the candidates can be assessed and rated after their interview has been created.
Immediate use of the measures mentioned above presents the opportunity for the first step towards enhanced order and uniformity along the company’s HR recruiting process and is thus recommended by the project team. However, the illustrated and elaborated options are undoubtedly expandable. Thus, for the new uses of various interview techniques, it is possible to educate the HR personnel and to participate in trainings. Furthermore, the evaluation sheet can be used by selected divisions in Switzerland in a first test run and then be improved and corrected and in a second step then spread to the different divisions. In addition, the project team describd several approaches for interviews incluiding a huge set of possible questions to achieve the individual goal of the discussion.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Georg Fischer Machining Solutions, Biel/Bienne
Autorinnen und Autoren
Mäder, Carole & Tschumi, Tanja
Betreuende Dozierende
Kraft, Corin
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Internal analysis, process optimization, recruiting process, interview, evaluation, HR