Vocational education and training system in Switzerland and in OECD countries
This bachelor thesis tries to answer two research questions, “Which are factors which contribute to the success of the model of integrated learning in school and at work in terms of skilled and competent students?” and “How do the Vocational Education and Training systems (VET) in the studied countries differ in terms of their position in education systems and their popularity?”.
Kanagasundram, Athithan & Santoli, Sofia, 2019
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Institute for Competitiveness and Communication, HSW FHNW
Betreuende Dozierende Göldi, Susan
Keywords Vocational eduaction and training system in Switzerland and in OECD countries
Views: 49
The client, Professor Rolf Meyer, and our supervisor, Professor Susan Göldi, are involved in leading two education programs (DAS, MAS). Therefore, they have a strong interest in understanding education systems from other countries. The client would like to use this bachelor’s thesis to understand differences and similarities between the VET system in Switzerland and those in other OECD countries. The reason why the OECD countries were chosen is that these are the most economically developed countries and have similar economic situation and infrastructure as Switzerland. Therefore, the VET systems in these countries are more comparable to the Swiss system than the systems of non-OECD countries. Since the VET system of Switzerland is perceived as successful by the client and supervisor, the client would like to know how other successful VET systems in OECD countries look like. Another reason for this bachelor’s thesis is that the University of Applied Science, where our client and our supervisor work as professors, receives requests from countries like India or China to help establish successful VET systems. In addition, our client is privately setting up a VET school in Uganda. For these reasons, the client would be interested in learning about other successful VET systems.
To answer these two research questions the authors try to find the desired answers of the client, mainly with reports and statistics about the Vocational Education and Training system of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The authors analyzed different factors for the first research question: “Which are factors which contribute to the success of the model of integrated learning in school and at work in terms of skilled and competent students?”. The authors describe the following success factors of VET: “Meeting labormarket needs”, “Career guidance”, “Effective teachers and trainers”, “Workplace learning” and “Tools to support VET”. For the second research question: “How do the Vocational Education and Training systems in the studied countries differ in terms of their position in education systems and their popularity?” not only the position and popularity are described in this Bachelor thesis but also the subjects “The role of VET in education systems”, “Structure of VET”, “Integration school and work” and “Further possibilities after VET”.
After reading the bachelor thesis the reader will gain an overall understanding of 10 different VET systems of OECD countries and will understand what are factors which lead to a successful VET according to OECD.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich