Onboarding of New Scientific Staff

The topic onboarding has become increasingly important. Many companies invest aconsiderable amount of resources to hire people who can adapt to the increasingly complex job requirements. However, often not the same effort is put into the onboarding process.

Böhringer, Luca & Gärtner, Lars, 2019

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Paul Scherrer Institute
Betreuende Dozierende Vogel, Christoph
Views: 29
There has been repeated dissatisfaction among employees leaving company A’s department B with their onboarding process. The idea of this paper was to first of all to trace back the problem of origin and in a later stage to submit recommendations of action to the department B in order to optimize the current onboarding process. To limit the widely fought topic of onboarding, the work was carried out exclusively for the department B, but can also serve as a guideline for other departments within company A.
First of all, literature research has been conducted on the onboarding process and its tools to obtain an overview of this topic. In a second step, the authors have accompanied the current Welcome Day. In order to investigate the exact process of onboarding in department B, qualitative individual interviews (primary data) were conducted with a selection of department B’s employees. With the feedbacks of theinterview partners, the current onboarding process of the department B could be reconstructed and recommendations of actions for the future could be compiled.
The interview outcomes revealed that in general the employees were quite happy with the onboarding process concerning their integration into the department B with just small discrepancies. Moreover, the interview revealed good cooperation between new joiners and existing employees in all kind of issues. Nevertheless, the problem given in this assignment could be traced back to three main categories; general information availability, main contact person for various issues, paperwork for employees from abroad. In fact, a poster was created containing where to find the most frequently needed information, with the intention of hanging it up at different locations within the department B’s building to attract the attention of employees, where to find what. Secondly, as requested by the interviewees, a checklist was drawn up with topics on administrative integration tasks, with the recommendation that the mentor work through these with the new employee if necessary. The benefits of this work for the department B are that the recommendations received provide the opportunity to improve the onboarding process according to the needs of the employees.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords onboarding, socialization, integration, employment, welcome day
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen
Autorinnen und Autoren
Böhringer, Luca & Gärtner, Lars
Betreuende Dozierende
Vogel, Christoph
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
onboarding, socialization, integration, employment, welcome day