Value Creation Study of the Herbstmesse Solothurn 2019
More and more trade fairs in Switzerland are closing their doors, such as the Muba in Basel. The "Herbstmesse Solothurn" (HESO), on the other hand, is showing positive figures in terms of exhibitors and visitors and is still a hotspot for regional residents and companies. This study shows the value that the HESO brings to the region, not only in quantitative measures but also through qualitative indicators that reflect a positive perception of the Herbstmesse Solothurn.
Demjaha, Etlevë & Elia, Luana & Hoxha, Ardiana & Mahrer, Ramona & Tschannen, Tanja, 2019
Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende Geschäftsstelle Herbstmesse Solothurn
Betreuende Dozierende Barjak, Franz
Keywords value creation, trade fair, economic
Views: 11
On behalf of the HESO (Herbstmesse Solothurn) a value creation study is conducted. The main goal of this study is to establish a precise analysis and evaluation of the value creation of the HESO 2019 within the canton (Solothurn), region (Bellach, Derendingen and Zuchwil), and foremost the city of Solothurn.
To find out the economic added value that is created because of the HESO primary and secondary research has been conducted. For the primary research surveys have been generated and handed out to the 239 exhibitors, but also to restaurants, hotels, public transportation companies, taxi companies and stand constructors, parking AG, and Moonliner AG. The surveys include quantitative as well as qualitative questions in order to capture the tangible and intangible values.
The total value creation of the HESO 2019 is estimated at CHF 10'776'603.03 and includes the value creation of the participating exhibitors of CHF 9'568'065.52 and the value creation from the HESO (business) of CHF 1’208’537.51.The qualitative analysis concludes that the motivation for the participation at the HESO is not primarily based on monetary interests. The Herbstmesse Solothurn mainly serves as a marketplace for exhibitors to reach existing or new customers and to create awareness. This concludes, that the HESO is a valuable part of their company’s marketing strategy. Overall, the analysis concludes that the interest of qualitative measures is higher than the monetary benefits of the Herbstmesse Solothurn.
Based on these results the HESO is able to further promote the trade fair in the region to attract more exhibitors or visitors. Furthmore, the HESO can use the results as advantage in case of political advances as well as basis for a request to expansion. Finally, the results prove the signifiance of the HESO for the region.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich