Research for Software as a Service (FASTview) Is there a potential market for a Software as a service tool to increase "trustees" efficiency?

Like most industries, the trustee business is impacted by digitalisation. By creating the tool FASTview, the project-client desires to improve the efficiency of report generating for trustees.

Visuvalingam, Vdursika & Oehler, Samuel & Minghetti, Michele & Däster, Manuela, 2019

Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende Ackermann Partner Treuhand AG
Betreuende Dozierende Schmid, Fabian
Views: 15
This research aimed at evaluating whether or not there is a potential market for a product such as FASTview, so the project-client can decide about the continuation of their project.
Through review of official enterprise statistics, an estimation of the potential market size was attempted. Also, the potential of an existing software was assessed. By conducting problem interviews, the needs of potential customers, both trustees and indirect customers in the form of entrepreneurs, were evaluated.
The evaluation of market size brought no conclusive results due to contradicting statistics. The software alternative to FASTview was found to be complicated and not specific to the Swiss accounting industry. From the interview results, a certain interest in more efficient reporting was apparent in both groups of interviewees. However, the trustees desire a solution with all necessary features to perform their work, as they already use many different tools. The recommendation for the project-client therefore is to conduct further research. Either to clarify if there is demand for FASTview as it is, or to analyse if collaboration might be beneficial to create a more holistic solution.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Accounting, digitalisation,digitalisation, transformation,transformation, trustee,trustee, entrepreneurship,entrepreneurship, datadata analytics,analytics, advisory,advisory, reporting,reporting, SoftwareSoftware asas aa Service,Service, businessbusiness models,models, researchresearch surveysurvey
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Ackermann Partner Treuhand AG, Suhr
Autorinnen und Autoren
Visuvalingam, Vdursika & Oehler, Samuel & Minghetti, Michele & Däster, Manuela
Betreuende Dozierende
Schmid, Fabian
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Accounting, digitalisation,digitalisation, transformation,transformation, trustee,trustee, entrepreneurship,entrepreneurship, datadata analytics,analytics, advisory,advisory, reporting,reporting, SoftwareSoftware asas aa Service,Service, businessbusiness models,models, researchresearch surveysurvey