Blockchain for Proof of Provenance - Regional Market Demand Analysis

The Bachelor Thesis analyses how Blockchain might be used to prove the provenance of fruit brandies. On the basis of primary and secondary research, the paper reflects relevant market information and suggests a way to represent the proof of provenance visualised with Augmented Reality.

Grütter, Alain, 2020

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Schnapps-Brennerei Familie Wiggli
Betreuende Dozierende Siegenthaler, Anja
Views: 38 - Downloads: 6
Many farms produce and sell agricultural products directly from their farm. Biodiversity is a concern of many farmers. However, there is little incentive to promote biodiversity. With Blockchain it is possible to prove the provenance of products and their impact on biodiversity. Using the example of fruit brandy, this Bachelor Thesis aims to investigate whether there is a market need to prove the origin of fruit brandies on both sides, the producer and the end-consumer. Ultimately a visual solution, that could be combined with Blockchain to represent the origin, is displayed in the paper.
The paper evaluates Switzerlands' German-speaking market demand to prove the provenance (PoP) of fruit brandy, accomplished by Blockchain technology. A literature review provides the relevant context to provide an overview of Swiss market trends, Blockchain and AR. To evaluate the Swiss market demand of assuring the provenance of fruit brandies a focus group is established consisting of small distilleries, and on the consumer side a survey is spread. By using the Value Proposition Canvas major alternations are shown, and AR is used to display the PoP towards consumers.
The client is served with essential information based on secondary and primary research. Hence, this Bachelor Thesis serves as a guidance and presents important insights of the distillery industry and presents how Blockchain technology can be used to prove the provenance of fruit brandies. Moreover, having gathered crucial information of the German-speaking part of Switzerland, the research helps to understand current market trends and shows the allocated importance regarding biodiversity, regionality and proof of provenance from the producer and consumer side. Furthermore, the client can take advantage of the product suggestion of how the proof of provenance might be displayed towards end-consumers.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Blockchain, Augmented Reality, Market Trends, Biodiversity, Regionality, Sustainability, Fruit brandy, Distillery, Smart Contracts, Ethereum, Proof of Provenance
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Schnapps-Brennerei Familie Wiggli, Himmelried
Autorinnen und Autoren
Grütter, Alain
Betreuende Dozierende
Siegenthaler, Anja
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Blockchain, Augmented Reality, Market Trends, Biodiversity, Regionality, Sustainability, Fruit brandy, Distillery, Smart Contracts, Ethereum, Proof of Provenance