CyberGEIGER - Community in Practice

Sjieuw Lan, Roner Seraina, 2021

Type of Thesis Master Thesis
Supervisor Asprion, Petra, Löffler, Emanuel
Views: 65 - Downloads: 17
The purpose of this research study is to provide a tailored framework for community building that supports the GEIGER goal to establish a community for CybersecurityDefenders who raise cybersecurity awareness in SMEs and MEs in Europe. The literature review has been done through desk research. Research papers on community building and virtual communities as well as case studies are examined. The methodology used is the Design Science Research Framework. Each research question is based on a phase in the Design Science Research framework. Qualitative interviews with communities and a Geiger member are carried out. The interviews are coded with the software Atlas.ti.Based on the interviews, three artifacts are developed: roadmap for community building in general, a community canvas for Geiger and a brochure for potential community members.In conclusion, based on the literature review and interviews, having a clear mission, vision, culture, leadership and plan for networking are the most important factors for community building in the beginning. To sustain a community long-time, financial planning alongside culture and vision and mission are crucial.
Studyprogram: Business Information Systems (Master)
Confidentiality: öffentlich
Type of Thesis
Master Thesis
Sjieuw Lan, Roner Seraina
Asprion, Petra, Löffler, Emanuel
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Information Systems (Master)