Design and performance of a market acceptance test for Kuny AG

The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the design and performance of a market acceptance test for RFID labels integrated into textile ribbons. This investigation is led by the following research question: “Is there a market demand for RFID labels integrated into textile ribbons?”

Lenzin, Sandro & Horner, Sebastian, 2020

Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client Kuny AG
Supervisor Birkenmeier, Beat
Views: 33
At the beginning of 2020, Kuny AG developed a new digital printing process for textile ribbons. As an innovative technology, screen printing was replaced by a digital printing process that prints the reliefs onto a textile’s surface using an additive manufacturing process. The new printing process also facilitates the integration of RFID chips and antennas. The resulting final product is the so-called RFID labels. RFID labels enable superior brand protection, better inventory management, higher anti-theft protection, and simplified traceability throughout the entire supply chain.
In the first step, the authors conducted desk research to examine previous research findings and gain an extensive understanding of RFID and its fields of application. To answer the research question, an online survey with potential future corporate clients was conducted. In addition to the survey, the students performed an interview with a potential customer of an industrial laundry. It is important to note that the interview was conducted only after analyzing the results from the survey as the results could provide interesting points of further investigation.
The results of the survey showed several noteworthy findings. Focusing on the potential benefits of using RFID labels, respondents identify benefits in seven different segments, such as inventory management and brand protection. Our conclusion is that the RFID labels can be applied in various areas because it is not only companies active in the textile industry that require inventory management but obviously also other branches of industry. The authors emphasize the enormous potential of the innovation. According to the interview with the CEO of an industrial laundry company, Kuny AG’s RFID labels could replace the existing RFID technology within the industrial laundry business. The existing RFID transponders repeatedly lead to problems, including forfeiting the pressure-resistance and frequently coming off the garment. It is also worth noting that the CEO would be willing to spend more money on the innovation on the condition that it fulfills all technical requirements and eliminates the listed errors.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords innovation, market analysis, kano model, s-curve, RFID
Confidentiality: vertraulich
Type of Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Kuny AG, Küttigen
Lenzin, Sandro & Horner, Sebastian
Birkenmeier, Beat
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
innovation, market analysis, kano model, s-curve, RFID