Demand-Response (DR) Business Models for Swiss Households

Kägi, Kevin, 2018

Type of Thesis Master Thesis
Supervisor Wache, Holger
Views: 44
Within this thesis we have investigated the feasibility of DR (demand response) business models for Swiss households. Some experiments involving households have already been carried out in Switzerland, but mostly around the topic of energy efficiency. No actual DR pilots with smart meters and smart appliances in a reasonably sized real-life experiment have been conducted so far. We have executed a systematic literature review to identify relevant experiments in Europe around DR for households, with the goal to gather empirical evidence and map the results of these experiments to a scenario in Switzerland. The focus of this mapping has been on the households’ perspective, i.e. we aimed at evaluating the lucrativeness of a DR program for households, and kept other factors ("enablers" of the DR business model) flexible, aware that such a business model must not only be attractive for the households, but also for the supply-side. Four main experiments have passed the quality assessment of the systematic literature review process. Those experiments have taken place in Denmark, Germany, France and Belgium. The results were analyzed in depth and eventually transferred to a DR scenario for Swiss households....
Studyprogram: Business Information Systems (Master)
Confidentiality: vertraulich
Type of Thesis
Master Thesis
Kägi, Kevin
Wache, Holger
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Information Systems (Master)