Career Advisory Platform

The demand for career advisory services has increased and is not satisfied anymore by the currently available services in Switzerland. It has increased due to the Corona virus pandemic and fast advancing digital transformation. The impact on middle-aged people is stronger than on young people. This thesis aims to create an innovative and user-centric solution for middle-aged people to remain employable. To test if a career advisory platform is helpful for middle-aged people, interviews with unemployed people, career advisors and course providers were carried out. Following Design Thinking principles, the needs of those people were gathered in a first step and used to define the solution in a second step. A mock-up prototype of the platform has been created and subsequently used for the evaluation with participants. The results showed that the career advisory platform is helpful and the usability is perceived as good. The gained feedback flowed in improvements of the prototype and in the building of the solution as a career advisory platform. The to-be Customer Journey shows the potential impact of the solution whereas the Lean Canvas describes the solution.

Oggier, Vincent, 2021

Type of Thesis Master Thesis
Supervisor Laurenzi, Emanuele
Views: 19
Studyprogram: Business Information Systems (Master)
Confidentiality: öffentlich
Type of Thesis
Master Thesis
Oggier, Vincent
Laurenzi, Emanuele
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Information Systems (Master)