A Framework for a Sustainable Digital Transformation of Vocational Schools in Argovia

The thesis researches the digital transformation of the vocational schools in Argovia. At a first stage the current state of the vocational schools is evaluated with a questionnaire. Drivers, goals, challenges, and CSFs for the digital transformation are well researched in literature, with a gap where the specific aspects for the vocational schools in Argovia are missing. The same questionnaire gathers data to identify those aspects for the researched field. Alongside, with the same methods, the impact of the COVID crisis on the digital maturity is researched. The gathered insights lead to the identification of six dimensions that need to be addressed for a successful digital transformation. The gained knowledge about the digital transformation at the vocational schools in Argovia allow to specify which of the dimensions are on a mature level and which need to be further developed. To enable the schools to develop a roadmap for a successful digital transformation, the act strategy framework of the FHNW School of Business (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, 2021) is introduced. The previously defined dimensions are mapped to the framework. The framework provides so called strategy templates that enable the schools to develop a roadmap for a successful and sustainable digital transformation. The results are evaluated in expert interviews. A first application of the framework has been successfully performed.

Gaiffi, Marco Angelo, 2021

Type of Thesis Master Thesis
Supervisor Pilorget, Lionel
Views: 23 - Downloads: 2
Studyprogram: Business Information Systems (Master)
Confidentiality: öffentlich
Type of Thesis
Master Thesis
Gaiffi, Marco Angelo
Pilorget, Lionel
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Information Systems (Master)