Enhancing Girl's Engagement in Sports Focusing on Girl’s with a Migrational Background

Girls in Switzerland, particularly with a migrational backgrounds, show reduced physical activity participation. Despite the fact of sports having various and important benefits, these girls still face significant obstacles making it challenging for them to actively engage in sporting activities.

Rüdliner, Valerie & Pleisch, Jocelyn, 2023

Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Supervisor Moser, Mark
Views: 27
This bachelor’s thesis aims to identify strategies and recommendations to promote girls' participation in sports in Switzerland and overcome barriers and challenges to joining sports clubs, particularly among those with a migrational background. The recommendations should support girls with a migrational background to enhance engagement in physical activities by improving the connection between elementary schools, sports clubs, and families with a migrational background. This includes raising awareness among sport clubs, schools and physical teacher as well as enhance parents involvement.
Using a qualitative approach, we interviewed four Physical Activity Teachers and four Sports Club Representatives from Switzerland. We discovered two suitable frameworks to apply to our study: the Socio-Ecological Model by Uri Brennenhofer and the Behavioural Engagement Model by David Maxfield. A hybrid "Engagement Model" was created merging Brennenhofer's institutional and interpersonal aspects with Maxfield's three drivers: motivation, ability, and belonging. Subsequently, we employed a coding system based on our research model to facilitate a detailed analysis using MAXQDA as the main tool.
Main findings have shown a lack of precision in distinguishing between local and girls with migrational backgrounds among the interviewees exists. Most of them believed that the promotion should be directed to girls and children in general, regardless of their backgrounds. Schools emerged as an excellent first point of contact to initiate participation in sports club activities since a wide range of girls and children with different backgrounds can be reached. Active involvement of teachers and sport club representatives emerged to be substantial in the participation in sports clubs. Nevertheless, it was discovered that the involvement depends highly on the motivation of both parties. Specific collaborations and events between schools, sports clubs, and other organizations were mentioned and emerged as effective means to further the general participation of children and girls. In addition to these findings, recommendations were made to further the engagement in sports among girls, especially those with migrational backgrounds. Nonetheless, further investigation is necessary to define the area of responsibility for these recommendations and whether NPOs are necessary or not.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords enhancing sports engagement, girls, migrational background, switzerland
Confidentiality: vertraulich
Type of Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Rüdliner, Valerie & Pleisch, Jocelyn
Moser, Mark
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
enhancing sports engagement, girls, migrational background, switzerland