Concept for Social Media Marketing for Continuing Education of the FHNW School of Engineering

The concept of traditional marketing has been changed by the invention of the internet and social media (SM). This Bachelor Thesis provides the FHNW School of Engineering (School) with a social media marketing concept for its continuing education programs.

Suntheralingam, Sujeethan & Vorisekm, Damla, 2023

Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client FHNW School of Engineering
Supervisor Dalla Vecchia, Martina
Views: 67 - Downloads: 32
FHNW is an active institution on SM. The School recognized the necessity to have a separate and targeted SM presence for its continuing education programs. These programs are directed to a special group of highly educated participants, who already have knowledge on complex subjects such as automation, computer science, digital industry and many more. Thus these programs require a defined and niche SM marketing concept for their advertisement, visualization on SM, and communication with users.
Following a literature review on terms as SM, SM marketing, and SM channels, an extensive situation analysis of the School and its continuing education programs was made including a Business Model Canvas, a SWOT-Analysis, and an Online Marketing Radar. To define the target audience, a quantitative survey was conducted, and a persona was created to allow for a precise and practical center point for an SM concept. The insights gained through this analysis established the basis for the creation of an SM marketing concept for the School by using the Social Media Framework of Prof. Dalla Vecchia.
As a result of the research conducted, an SM Strategy for the School was envisioned. School was suggested to create SM accounts on Facebook and LinkedIn to start its seperate SM presence. This decision was based on the channels predominantly used by the target audience as a result of the quantitative survey. Further, posting frequencies and time periods for these channels were defined. Contents that have the highest potential to capture the target audience's interest were identified. Post examples from competitors were provided as benchmarks and guidance. A detailed 5-year action plan was presented for the chosen platforms, based on the overall SM strategy identified for the School's continuing education programs. For future reference, detailed information about other SM platforms were given to show extension possibilities. Based on the insights gained, this thesis provided a concept for the School’s targeted, cost-efficient, and successful initiation of its SM presence for its continuing education programs.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Social Media Marketing, School of Engineering, Continuing Education Programs, CAS, MAS, FHNW
Confidentiality: öffentlich
Type of Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
FHNW School of Engineering, Olten
Suntheralingam, Sujeethan & Vorisekm, Damla
Dalla Vecchia, Martina
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Social Media Marketing, School of Engineering, Continuing Education Programs, CAS, MAS, FHNW