Guidelines for Cloud Service Integration
Ghan, Rasika, 2017
Type of Thesis Master Thesis
Supervisor Gatziu Grivas, Stella
Views: 23
Cloud Service Integration is the need of the century. An enterprise, for instance has arequirement to integrate the tranport and the billing applications. With no long term viewunder consideration they create a point to point integration and assume that the problem issolved. Later in time they have another requirement to integrate human resource applicationand inventory application to their existing architecture. A problem now arises because all theearlier created point to point integrations have to be handled separately. With the presenceand use of SaaS(Software as a service) applications by the enterprises, the number ofapplications and thus the complexity of integration can be enormous. The enterprise is nowstuck in a situtation where it is trying to fix the integration issues and drifting away from itscore business.The enterprises are thus in a need of a solution or an integration partnerwhich helps in providing integration solution which is seamless,easy and quick....
Studyprogram: Business Information Systems (Master)
Confidentiality: vertraulich