Business Plan for an Intrapreneurial Start-Up Idea
This thesis reviews a business proposition of an existing SME. An intrapreneurial start-up offering that aims to strategically plan and manage High-Net-Worth-Individual's health and well-being.
Bürchler, Kevin, 2022
Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client Family Office
Supervisor Birkenmeier, Beat
Views: 21
The company was founded more than 20 years ago as an insurance intermediary in the area of international private medical insurance. During the last years, the company has developed a novel business proposition to evolve and enhance its business model. The goal of this work is to systematically review and validate this intrapreneurial start-up proposition. Furthermore, concrete recommendations to improve the product offering shall be developed.
The task at hand is approached by combining several methodologies. This includes a theoretical element, including the review of existing literature on start-up development and a competitor analysis to obtain industry best-practice insights. Theoretical approaches are complemented by primary data acquisition through field research in the form of a set of semi-structured interviews with potential clients, business introducers, and other relevant stakeholders.
The insights gained are used to develop a revised product proposition. The performed desk research and primary data collection have largely supported the assumptions upon which the company started developing its new proposition. Stakeholder interviews have confirmed a general interest in the concept developed by the company.
One of the main tasks ahead will be to offer more practical and concrete understanding of the value of its services. Research findings further suggest that the company reduces the current pricing of its highest-end subscription because its price tag provokes a repelling reaction. Also, the benefits of this subscription must be adjusted to better differentiate from the lower-level subscriptions and align with potential client’s expectation that certain external cost are included within the membership. To do so, the cost of the highest-end subscription shall be reduced significantly and a new benefit with a budget for external cost called shall be introduced.
As a potential new beachhead market was identified. Based on the insights gained, a product proposition for this specific beachhead market is suggested.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords health, medicine, health insurance
Confidentiality: vertraulich