Summer School EAFIT - FHNW in the context of Cultural Intelligence
A review on the execution of the joint summer school between the universities EAFIT and FHNW in the context of cultural intelligence.
Zahno, Carmen, 2018
Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client Institute of Management, HSW FHNW
Supervisor Philippi, Stefan
Views: 35
To strengthen the relationship between the Swiss university FHNW and the Colombian university EAFIT, the program of a joint summer school was established. The two-week project took place in both countries: one week in Medellín and one week in Basel, and was conducted on the topic entrepreneurship and sustainable entrepreneurship. To benefit the most from this university collaboration, the intercultural exchange should be fostered. This bachelor thesis aims to determine whether the cultural intelligence of the Swiss participants can be increased due to this summer school.
Based on the theoretical concept of cultural intelligence, a questionnaire was assembled and completed by all the participants prior to the summer school and on the last day of the program. The assessment included various statements which allowed the measurement of motivational, cognitive, metacognitive and behavioural cultural intelligence.
Furthermore, to enhance this intercultural learning, social and cultural activities were organized during the summer school additional to the academic program. Every activity aims to foster specific parts of the theoretical model.
The outcome of the mentioned questionnaire shows the shift of the scores representing the cultural intelligence. The result of an overall increase of cultural intelligence was confirmed. However, there are significant differences within the four different elements of the cultural intelligence model. In addition, varying results can also be seen between the Swiss and Colombian delegation.
Furthermore, all the cultural and social items on the agenda enhancing the intercultural exchange are described in detail and then reflected. Moreover, recommendations and practical tips for further executions are provided.
In the last part of the thesis, the outcome from the participant feedback about the summer school in general with valuable inputs is presented. Subsequently, the reflection provides insights concerning the intercultural exchange between participants as well as a review of my role and role conflict. To finalize the thesis, there are some final words about the whole project and its execution.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords summer school, intercultural, cultural intelligence, entrepreneurship, EAFIT, Colombia
Confidentiality: vertraulich