Developments in reusable logistics in China - Trends 2018 - 2022
A Swiss logistics company which recently expanded to China, wants to evaluate on how the Chinese logistics market will develop in the next five years.
Bürgi, Jonas & Jorns, Julian, 2018
Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client Georg Utz Holding AG
Supervisor Jeive, Michael
Views: 35
China's logistics market has grown immensely in the last few years. Currently it is the biggest logistics market in the world, transporting more goods than any other country. Even though it has grown to such a size, not many standards have been developed and implemented. Therefore, the problem is that logistics providers use different standards along the entire supply chain and this can lead to inefficiency in the entire logistics sector. The scope of this research is to find out how the Chinese logistics market will develop in the next five year until 2022, so that the contracting party can prepare for upcoming changes.
A main part of the research was the search, translation and analysis of Chinese regulations, laws and recommendations in respect to upcoming standards which will affect the logistc industry. Furthermore, based on a gap- and trend-analysis, expected trends have been established. Those trends were later corroborated or refuted through an expert survey.
The contracting party benefits from this thesis, as they now have an overview of possible upcoming trends. Thanks to the research and the expert survey, they can judge better how likely each of those trends will be implemented.
In addition, the contracting party now has a better overview over laws, regulations and institutions affecting the logsitic industry, which enables them to follow up on upcoming changes more easily.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Logistics, Logistics Provider, Reusable Logistics, China, Trends in China
Confidentiality: vertraulich