Strategic Reallocation of a Consulting Company
It can be difficult to reach new clients if the consulting company is offering services for very specific customer needs. How can a small consulting company that operates in a niche market stand out to the clients?
Aylakdurmaz, Irem, 2018
Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client Zimmerli Sales and Management Consultants AG
Supervisor Abplanalp, Peter
Views: 17
Zimmerli Sales & Management Consultants AG has successfully found a way to differentiate themselves in the industry by creating a new market segment. However, it is difficult for them to acquire clients because many companies do not realize their problems can be fixed by this consulting company. Zimmerli SCAG wants to find ways to position themselves in the market to stay competitive in the future and acquire new clients.
For this thesis, only desk research and secondary data was used. The environment, industry and competitors of the company was analyzed. A grading method was developed to analyse the competitors and to find out the best partner for Zimmerli SCAG. Afterwards, new technologies were inspected in order to give specific suggestions to the client on which ones to adapt in order to stay competitive.
In conclusion, Zimmerli SCAG should consider forming a strategical alliance with their competitors to acquire new clients. This will provide them with an inexpensive way to get new clients. The grading system developed for this thesis could also be used for further collaborations to analyze the other party and whether a partnership objectively makes sense.
Furthermore, there are three main new technologies that Zimmerli SCAG should consider adding to their consulting services. By keeping up with the changing environment, Zimmerli SCAG could protect their market position. With these solutions the author hopes to have provided the client with useful insight on what they could do to solve their problem with client acquisition and market positioning. The findings are described in more detail in the paper.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Business Strategy, Client Acquisition, Market Position, Strategic Alliances, New Technologies, Consulting Companies, Competitors, Environment, Industry, Sales Consulting, Process Consulting
Confidentiality: öffentlich