Process Optimisation of ART Skywalker
In November 2020, a team called Troika has been integrated into the department ART Skywalker. To identify whether the Troika is worthwhile, new metrics had to be established to measure and compare the performance. As a result, data showed tremendous improvements in workflow performance.
Renz, Luca, 2021
Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client Schweizerische Mobiliar Versicherungsgesellschaft AG
Supervisor Loosli, Christina
Views: 28 - Downloads: 10
SAFe can get complex very quickly. This complexity is challenging. The ART Skywalker contained some basic measurements and tools recommended by SAFe, but they did not use any proper suggested metrics. By applying unsuitable tools, it was difficult to identify bottlenecks in the processes and see where the ART could improve.
First, research was conducted to identify whether SAFe was the right choice. Afterwards, there was a requirements engineering phase where suitable metrics were identified. Once this was done, the required metrics had to be created and tested.
After these metrics have been accepted by the Troika team, the metrics were used to identify and resolve bottlenecks in the processes of the ART Skywalker.
First, with the established metrics, further process optimisations can be done to keep improving the workflow. Second, the client can identify with generated data within specific time periods, how well they are doing in many aspects.
Furthermore, the results were astonishing. As an example, Lead- and Cycle Time, which both show how much time is required to finish a task, have decreased by 52%, respectively 58%.
Studyprogram: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Keywords Agile Project Methodology, SAFe, Metrics, Process Optimisation
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