What are the requirements and key success factors to attract private companies / sponsors to finance ITA / the fight against doping?

To be able to seek sponsorship as an anti-doping agency, the current situation needs to be evaluated which includes opportunities and challenges/risks from the view of the sponsor and the sponsee. Combining the knowledege of the experts with the literature, requirements and key success factors could be defined and recommended to ITA.

Salgado, Jennifer, 2019

Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client International Testing Agency (ITA)
Supervisor Moser, Mark
Views: 25
In today’s world, athletes come across like super humans. Not only physically but also in the way they are portrayed in commercials or advertising. It seems like every effort is made to be successful. Some athletes might even go a step further and use performance enhancing drugs. Therefore, the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) was established in 1999 as an independent body to regulate doping matters worldwide by implementing the World Anti-doping Code (WADC). To protect the athlete’s health and keep the sport fair, anti-doping agencies have been established. Anti-doping agencies act as a not-for-profit controlling body in the fight against doping. Most of the anti-doping agencies are partly financed through governmental institutions and the various actors within the Olympic movement. The International Testing Agency (ITA) was built to strengthen the system in the fight against doping and increase independency and transparency. In fact, ITA is operating independently from any governmental body's or sport organisation's funding but is supported by the Olympic Movement. To be financially self-sustainable, ITA explores opportunities to engage in potential sponsorship with private companies.
The primary data of this thesis focuses on qualitative research, specifically expert interviews, which were conducted with specialists from the anti-doping field and experts from the area of sports sponsorship. To evaluate the generated data, the structuring process by Mayring was applied. A part of the outcome of the interviews was then compared to the literature (secondary data).
The result indicates specific defined requirements and key success factors. One of the main finding is that ITA is not able to engage in a traditional sports sponsorship, but experts see the potential in intangible assets. To further define its strategy, ITA needs to decide on its positioning and its communication strategy.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords anti-doping, sports sponsorship, athlete
Confidentiality: vertraulich
Type of Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
International Testing Agency (ITA), Lausanne
Salgado, Jennifer
Moser, Mark
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
anti-doping, sports sponsorship, athlete