better inform Twinings’ content strategy for the Swiss market

In order for businesses to gain a competitive edge, they must understand the desires, behaviours and expectations of their customers as well as their competitors’ movements. Only with these insights is it possible to effectively target potential customers, achieve a large market share and gain loyal customers.

Eglauf, Andrina & Bugmann, Carmen, 2019

Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client Wander AG
Supervisor Jacob, Christine
Views: 50
The tea company Twinings is facing challenges concerning consumer retention. Additionally, although Twinings serves a variety of teas, customers associate the brand with only selling black tea. To change these trends and perceptions, Twinings seeks to adapt their content strategy. Their success relies on better understanding tea heavy users, identifying their interests and finding suitable communication channels.
To achieve a high-quality outcome, this paper shows an analysis of qualitative interviews, the competition and Google Trends. Through 10 qualitative interviews, the paper defines what tea heavy users are interested in and how they can be converted to Twinings. Moreover, the competition is analysed with the PESO model and shows the movements of Yogi, Pukka, and Lipton, with heavy focus on their social media channels and website. In addition to the analysis of the consumer behaviour of tea heavy users, a customer persona has been created for Twinings.
Based on the three conducted analysis, the authors were able to forward helpful recommendations. Twinings needs to implement the results and take action towards an improved communication. As the bachelor thesis is confidential, no detailed findings will be published.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords tea heavy user, trends, customer behaviour, content strategy, competitor analysis, google trends analysis, persona
Confidentiality: vertraulich
Type of Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Wander AG, Neuenegg BE
Eglauf, Andrina & Bugmann, Carmen
Jacob, Christine
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
tea heavy user, trends, customer behaviour, content strategy, competitor analysis, google trends analysis, persona