Enhancing 21st-century skills in education Customer’s perspective on a digital learning platform

As a final step of our study program at the FHNW, we are writing our bachelor thesis in collaboration with the Swiss startup-challenge 2017, in the field of technology, winning startup called Waimanoo GmbH. Currently, Waimanoo is developing a product, with the aim to target and improve the present education sector.

Fischler, Michael & Egorov, Michael, 2019

Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client Waimanoo GmbH
Supervisor Kraft, Corin
Views: 8
As Waimanoo is currently working on a new product, there is a need for support in the development process. Working in the virtual reality and educational field, the team of Waimanoo are planning to launch a platform with different solutions to enhance the teaching experience. Providing a modular constructed platform with sophisticated learning analytics is the unique selling proposition they are striving for. Different elements of the product were already tested at the FHNW and got a lot of positive feedback from lecturers, as well as students. The goal now would be to enlarge the customer field and adapt the existing platform according to their needs.
1. Do a literature review about the Kano model and the Jobs-to-be-done model. 2. Design a detailed and visualized product description together with Waimanoo. 3. Set-up a questionnaire based on the two models above. 4. Identify customer needs with relevant stakeholders in educational institutions. 5. Use the gathered data of the respondents to create a second product description based on their needs. 6. In addition, use the results to give constructive feedback and proposition for the further product development.
The Kano Model and the Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) theory were set as the base of our analysis in our bachelor thesis. Through the interviews with lecturers and teachers, we were able to gather valuable information about the education system as well as their opinion on the Education Suite, which is Waimanoo's product. The analysis based on the Kano Model, gave us the insights needed to identify what were the characteristics the end-product had to have in order to satisfy the customer. Furthermore, we identified which features result in dissatisfaction, if they are not included in the end-product. Finally, the evaluation uncovered that there were several features which Waimanoo must include in the final version of the product, and which features can be disregarded without fearing to risk unhappy customers. All in all, there were more features that resulted in customer satisfaction than dissatisfaction and Waimanoo is on the right path in the development of the product. Same can be said with the second theory applied in the thesis, which is the JTBD framework. With the previously mentioned model, we identified the needs of the customer and what are the actual goals they want to reach.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Education, Product Development, Learning Tools, Startup, Customer Satisfaction,
Confidentiality: vertraulich
Type of Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Waimanoo GmbH, Zofingen
Fischler, Michael & Egorov, Michael
Kraft, Corin
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Education, Product Development, Learning Tools, Startup, Customer Satisfaction,