Work-Reporting Process Optimisation
Work-Reporting is the process of tracking time, analyse raised data and bill customers based on it. The Work-Report interface was introduced a few years ago within the self developed ERP system. Functionalities, terms, fields and values were added as suited over time. As a result, the perfor-mance and complexity of Work-Reporting has increased.
Waser, Samuel, 2019
Type of Thesis Bachelor Thesis
Client IT Service Provider
Supervisor Felley, Gabriel
Views: 12
The IT service provider at hand has grown exponentially over the last years. Internal projects were neglected due to higher prioritisation of profit oriented external projects. The current process needs a redesign. Additionally, an integration of Work-Reports into the ticketing system is overdue.
This bachelor thesis analyses the current Work-Reporting process and aims to find optimisation po-tential. The results are presented as recommendations supported by a literature review. Further-more, meetings, interviews and surveys are used to reflect the perspective of the different stake-holders of Work-Reporting. The CEO pursues profitability, project managers want to keep projects in check, accountants bill customers based on tracked time, team leaders need to assess capacity and resources of their team members and the engineers are not very eager to create Work-Reports in the first place. This creates an interesting constellation in which the different requirements must be considered and aligned.
The bachelor thesis illustrates the importance of revaluating all available Work-Report categories and their possible values. The level of detail is essential to improve user friendliness, reduce com-plexity and increase incentives to accurately track time for engineers. A clear definition about which type of work should be assigned to which categories is essential to prevent misinterpretation. Fur-thermore, the importance of auditing Work-Reports is pointed out to increase quality of raised data. A timer functionality can counteract the fact, that humans are bad in general at estimating how much time effectively was spent for a specific task. Engineers at EveryWare tend to create their Work-Reports weekly. A timer could create further incentives to track time on the spot when work gets done. Apart from this, the functionalities should be extended to make Work-Reporting easier for engineers. Analysis of tracked time should aim to answer specific business critical questions. Those questions are to be defined at top management level. The Work-Report categories need to be adapted in order to be able to answer defined questions. These questions should be transparent to employees to raise awareness to why tracking of time is essential. Furthermore, team leaders should demonstrate the value of time tracking regularly in team meetings and explain how they use the data to make decisions. Tracking time must be integrated in daily activities. The study shows that the ticketing system is responsible for the biggest work input. Implementing Work-Reports into the ticketing system reduces frustration for employees and create further incentives to track time after finished work. The paper shows a clear approach for such implementation.
Studyprogram: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Keywords work-report, time-tracking, optimisation, API, tic
Confidentiality: vertraulich