Communication Concept "Business meets Students"

"Business meets Students" is a project forum which takes place yearly at the FHNW School of Business. The event aims to publish all final year students Live Projects in which students are given the task to solve a business problem in cooperation with a client. The Life Project of the beforehand mentioned project team is to develop a communication concept for the "Business meets Students" event in order to increase awarness and popularity of the fair.

Bleuel, Patricia & Berner, Marta & Künzli, Emily & Schmid, Nicolas & Fondja, Gaby, 2019

Type of Thesis Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Client Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW
Supervisor Burkart, Stephan
Views: 37
The project forum is a freshly developed event, which was firstly realized in 2018. It is the client's interest to cover the lack of external and internal awarness of the event and long-term increase the popularity of the "Business meets Students" project forum. In order to attract the target groups and hope to increase the amount of attendees, more communication measures have to take place upfront. The task of the project team is to create a communication concept which will serve as a tool in order to attract future clients, students and other interested parties.
In order to familiarize the reader with the topic, the project team firstly elaborated the definitions of corporate communication and communication concept. Afterwards, the foundation for the communication concept was developed in order to get an overview about the standpoint and understand where the communication problems are. In a third step empirical data with various stakeholders are collected and analysed to connect the theory with the gathered data to consequently get a deeper understanding of what measures shall be implemented to improve the promotional undertaking of the project forum. Based on this information, a new communication concept was developed and presented.
The client benefits from primary data gathered from interviews and secondary data collected from academic papers, books and reports. A precise and extensive situation analysis, including a SWOT and PESTEL analysis as well as a carefully elaborated stakeholder description are part of this Live Project. These analyses help the client gather a broad understanding about the actual standpoint of the "Business meets Students" event promotion. In addition, the elaborated communication concept helps the client pursuing the goal of a long-term growth of the innovative "Business meets Students” event. The developed concept provides concrete measures on how the project forum can be made known to its target groups. Those measures enables the forum to increase awareness in the regions of Aargau, Basel and Solothurn. Moreover, the project work offers several recommendations around the event as a whole.
Studyprogram: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords The project team developed a communication concept for the "Business meets Students" project forum to increase the popularity of the event.
Confidentiality: öffentlich
Type of Thesis
Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, Brugg-Windisch
Bleuel, Patricia & Berner, Marta & Künzli, Emily & Schmid, Nicolas & Fondja, Gaby
Burkart, Stephan
Publication Year
Thesis Language
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
The project team developed a communication concept for the "Business meets Students" project forum to increase the popularity of the event.